/etc/laptop-modeDirectory contains following files/directories:
- laptop-mode.conf - main, most important configuration file
- lm-profiler.conf - configuration file of lm-profiler tool, lm-profiler detects processes that use system resources and that cause activity of hard disc drive and help disable them
- batt-start, batt-stop - directories containing scripts which will be executed depend on battery mode is starts or stops
- lm-ac-start, lm-ac-stop - directories containing scripts which will be executed in case AC mode starts or stops and laptop-mode management is active during working on AC
- nolm-ac-start, nolm-ac-stop - ame as above, but in case laptop-mode management is inactive during working on AC
- conf.d - directory containing additional configuration files targeted to special parts of system like ethernet card, lcd brightness, auto hibernate, kernel schedulers etc.
Advantages of Laptop Mode Tools:
- automaticaty detection AC or battery power source
- decreased hdd's usage (data read ahead and buffering data designed to write on a hdd)
- data loss protection
- you decide about each option, nothing is imposed on you
- default configuration is effective
- laptop-mode-tools manage everything, so you need no more programs
Disadvantages of Laptop Mode Tools:
- CPU frequency management, this is only function having better substitution. I recomend Cpufreqd which is more flexible
http://samwel.tk/laptop_mode/ - Link to Laptop Mode Tools project